Blockchain Development

With the help of full-stack Blockchain services we build next-generation products and enable enterprises to launch more powerful financial infrastructures.

Are We in a Blockchain Bubble?

Currently, it isn’t easy to assess whether the values of different cryptocurrencies could be justified or if they are being overvalued due to the excitement created in the market.

Other traditional investments are valued based on their business performance or financial metrics, whereas cryptocurrencies are primarily based on factors like competition, cost of production and demand.

Bitcoin, one of the leading and most popular cryptocurrencies, has been said to have many bubbles over the past few years now:

– At the end of 2017, its price had reached over $13,000 before bursting.

– By mid of 2019, its value rose from $3,400 to $12,000 drastically.

– Finally in 2021, after continuous dips and peaks, Bitcoin reached an astonishing $61,000.

While Bitcoin’s current price has since fallen to its current value of $20,290 as of 31st August 2022, it is still higher than what other skeptics had imagined it would reach when it was first introduced. There are no specific reasons for the fluctuations in Bitcoin’s value since a majority of the value is derived from just speculation only.

The Future of Blockchain?

The Blockchain market’s future is expected to triple by the year 2030. While more and more individuals, businesses and governments are taking an interest in cryptocurrencies, there is still a lot of skepticism surrounding the value of cryptocurrencies and how to implement balanced regulations.

People who have invested in Blockchains have identified benefits such as easy payment management, quick accessibility and working directly with individuals rather than the involvement of third parties like banks and other organizations. However, many people are still insecure about their assets and their volatility.

Factors like these are the reason for the mixed feelings surrounding the giant corporations investing in Blockchain and having government-placed regulations on the Blockchain market. Since many investors are still interested in using the cryptocurrency’s non-traditional system, they are even more skeptical of it becoming more corporate.

Moving further, individuals, businesses, or governments will need to work on a system that will help balance the need for regulations with the desire to keep the existing P2P structure of the Blockchain networks.

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